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Premium Lottie Animation – Why is it so Important?

By Aram Movsisyan

Date 09 06 2022

Premium Lottie Animation – Why is it so Important?

Lottie is the future of UI animation; however, there is a significant gap in quality in the current marketplace for animated content. In this post, we will dive into the critical factors required for premium Lottie animation and a reliable distribution platform.

After reading, you will be able to spot low-quality designs, understand the importance of consistent design styling, and how much you should pay for premium Lottie animations.

Differences Between Low Quality and Premium Lottie Animation

Accessing quality animated content is a critical component of designing high-converting web pages and engaging apps. Low quality, inconsistent Lottie animations don’t add value to your projects, so you need to be able to identify premium designs and a reliable Lottie library.

Below are 4 essential components to identify a premium source for Lottie animations.

UX Design Principals

When correctly executed, web and app animation should serve a specific purpose. You don’t want to include animation as an afterthought or to merely add motion. Premium Lottie animation is done by experienced designers that understand UX basics.

Whether you are guiding users through a sales funnel, lowering your page bounce rate, or helping the user perform a task, animation should follow these basic UX design principles.

  • Feel natural
  • Shouldn’t waste the user’s time
  • Accommodate and add value to pages
  • Serve a purpose or carry out a task
  • Consistent branding

Industry-Specific Collections

Even if you are only looking to include animation on one project, you need a library that offers a variety of designs that fit your industry.

Multiple options for each design and situation will increase the value of your project. Libraries that are disorganized and lack variety will lead to wasting time, building animations from scratch, or finding another source.

Design Consistency

A uniform design is necessary if you use more than one Lottie animation. Differences can be subtle, but users will notice animations that aren’t designed with the same style.

As you can see below, these two animations serve different purposes, but they are clearly designed similarly and would not clash when incorporated on the same page.

Low Barrier to Entry Editor

One of the most significant advantages of Lottie is the file format encourages customization. Motion, color, size, speed, and triggers are built into the JSON file, allowing easy changes.

A premium Lottie animation library will allow you to fully customize your designs before downloading or embedding them into web pages. The process should be easy and take just a few clicks.

How Much Do Premium Lottie Animations Cost?

Lottie pricing

The price of Lottie animations varies slightly, but a slight price increase is well worth the investment.

Low Vs. High-Quality Pricing

Finding a low-quality, stand-alone Lottie animation is easy. However, a sustainable source of high-quality designs that work together cohesively is more challenging to find and will cost slightly more.

Lottie animations are available online for a few dollars, but the quality will lack basic UX design principles and won’t be part of a collection. In addition, the animation may not be customizable, and you will end up paying more so the design will fit your brand.

A premium Lottie animation from a reliable library costs around $10. The design will be crafted by a professional animator and fully customizable within the library.

Subscription Vs. Pay as You Go Model

$10 for every piece of content isn’t economical for large agencies or even freelancers working on a couple of projects per week. Purchasing a subscription from a high-quality Lottie library is the best option if you need multiple designs per month.

The pay-as-you-go model benefits those who are working on a single project and don’t need animated content on a daily basis. While this option is more expensive, we highly recommend paying slightly more for premium designs rather than finding a cheaper option.

Pricing Plans

Subscription plans from Lottie libraries are available in tiers. They will give you a free option with a limited selection, a middle level that supports the needs of small businesses or freelancers, and a pro option with enough content to support a large agency.

Where Can I Access Premium Lottie Animations?

While Lottie is still a new way to incorporate animation without increasing page load times, there are multiple ways to incorporate the exciting technology in your designs.

Ordering from a Design Agency

One way to access Lottie content is from an animation agency or freelance designer. You can request specific animations for your project, and you will receive a custom artwork that fits your brand.

Going this route can be effective (assuming you find a reputable agency) but extremely costly. In addition, you won’t be able to make significant changes unless you go back to the designer.

Design from Scratch

Design from Scratch

You also have the option of creating your own Lottie animations. If you are an experienced designer with proficiency in After Effects and understand how to convert the files into JSON, this option may be viable.

Designing premium Lottie animations is time-consuming and hiring an in-house designer is typically unrealistic for most companies.


A reliable Lottie library that consistently produces high-quality designs is your best option.

Creattie’s Lottie icon and illustration library give you access to thousands of animations and industry-specific collections with distinct design styles. You can pay for single animations or save with monthly or annual pricing.

Final Words

Lottie is the future of web design because of the format’s size and usability. If you need a sustainable source for premium Lottie animations, Creattie’s content library is your best option. Our professional animators create cohesive, industry-specific collections that follow UX design principles.

Check out Creattie today by browsing our thousands of designs or reaching out to us to discuss your animated content needs.

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Attract, impress and win more customers with Lottie animations by Creattie.